New Basket Weave Texture - Exercise your green thumb and create a unique GreenStalk Vertical Planter exclusively made from quality products manufactured in East Tennessee. Complete with three Original Planters and three Leaf Planters, Ultimate Spinner with Wheels, and Plant Support, all that’s left to do is to add soil, seeds, and water!
Our 6-Tier GreenStalk Vertical Planter comes with 3 Original tiers of 6 planting pockets each with a 10” depth, making it great for planting a variety of small and large plants. It also includes 3 Leaf tiers of 6 pockets with a 7” depth. With our patented watering system, you’ll have everything you need to confidently grow your vertical garden. Learn more about these vertical planters.
Our GreenStalk Ultimate Spinner Base is unique in that it fits any planter with a base diameter of up to 15 inches. It will turn your vertical garden into a rotating planter, ensuring your plants get the best sunlight as it drains any excess water.
Will be planting soon.
I am so in love with the Razzleberry. The inventors bundle is really the only way to go for me because it has everything I need sans lid/watering system. The fact it's discounted is a plus too. Greenstalks are sturdy, fade resistant as far as I can tell. There's definitely a learning curve to growing in them which I'm still trying to figure out. Really happy with this new addition though.
It is just as delicious visually in person as it was online! Just what we wanted!
Great product
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