If you are looking to add an extra tier to an existing set you will also need to purchase a grey watering disk or top water reservoir to complete the additional tier.
Add an extra tier to your GreenStalk Vertical Garden or divide an existing Vertical Planter into smaller sets! Individual GreenStalk Planters are sold separately so you can mix and match depending on what works for you.
We do not recommend exceeding 5ft for total planter height. Each Leaf planter is 7" tall.
GreenStalks are guaranteed not to crack or fade for 5 years even if you use them outside year-round.
I have just started using the Leaf tier and like it. Started off with herbs and carrots and radishes.
I enjoy my planters so much that I wanted to add on. The quality is outstanding and even the planters that are a few years old now still look brandnew I love how wonderful every thing is packed and especially enjoy the gift of stickers. My cat loves sitting in the box. LOL.
I bought this to complete a 3 tower conversion to 4 shorter towers from two original and one leaf towers. When shortening each and I need another leaf tier to be able to have an even number. I used an origin as a base and put half of the leaf tiers on top. This gave me a nice mix of original and leaf in 2 towers which are very close to the same height as 4 originals in a tower.
The detail on the basket weave planter is a beautiful addition to our deck! As this size is smaller than our original Greenstalk planter, I wish we'd tried this size first as we had a lot to learn regarding amounts of soil, placement in the Sun/shade, watering schedule etc. We planted moon flowers in one row of this planter and the vines wrapped and trailed as they bloomed at night!
I added 2 “luscious green” color leaf planters to my existing 4 tier Terracotta leaf planter. The “luscious green” color compliments the Terracotta color nicely. Please bring back the “Luscious Green” color. It is by far the most desirable color!
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