Each piece of a GreenStalk Vertical Planter is sold separately so you can mix and match depending on what works for you.
These are great for add-ons, but if you don't already have a GreenStalk Vertical Planter, it's more cost-efficient to order a new GreenStalk than it is to create one from individual pieces.
For reference, a full GreenStalk Vertical Planter comes with:
GreenStalks are guaranteed not to crack or fade for 5 years even if you use them outside year-round.
Awsome always 😊
great 👍🏿
I'm so glad we are able to purchase additional individual pieces such as this watering disk. Things happen; storms, moves...wildlife using your Greenstalk as a jungle gym. These disks ensure that each tier of our planter receives an evenly distributed water layer. They work great every time.
Has unique design and works well
I liked that I could purchase this separately
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