Turn your backyard into a gardening oasis with our patented seven-tier vertical planter proudly made in East Tennessee. Debuting in 2020, this free-standing vertical planter is perfect for growing smaller plants and root vegetables. With more planting pockets than any other vertical planter we offer, you’ll love the variety of leafy greens, root vegetables, and herbs that can be grown in the same footprint as the Original. See how it works and experience the joy of containerized gardening for yourself!
7-Tier GreenStalk Leaf Vertical Planter at a glance:
Sold separately:GreenStalk Bases andGreenStalk Plant Support
GreenStalks are guaranteed not to crack or fade for 5 years even if you use them outside year-round.
My first experience with greenstalk planters! I'm a little over four weeks from my initial setup. The watering system is a must haveaccessory. My husband connected it to a Bluetooth/Wifi app and I can water my greenstalks when I'm away from home. I love the journals to track my progress and to help me find success this gardening season. The personal touch and exemplary customer service with each package and delivery makes so enjoyable to place an order!
I routinely save money so that I can buy one of these about once a month. I think they are the greatest invention. I also recommend them to my patients because a lot of of them have mobility issues. The green stalk planter is a great alternative to raise bed gardening for people that are unable to bend over
I have a total of 12 green stalks for myself. And have purchased them for others, as gifts. I just love them. They're very sturdy and mine have been exposed to the elements for three years and still have bright colors and do not show wear.
I received my 5-tier vertical planter today after waiting two weeks. The box was delivered upside down with the tape ripped off and opened. My order included a free 3-tier planter, which when I placed the order was included as a Valentine Day special in Razzleberry color. I waited two weeks for the order. The product does not come with a lid cover/topper, which will have to be purchased separately. I wish that would have been mentioned on the website.
I am in love with my new GreenStalk tower! It’s beautiful and great for anyone with limited space for growing. I planted all strawberry roots and they are thriving! I can’t wait to try other fruit and vegetable varieties.
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