Earlier this year, we wrote a blog post about how we were growing sweet potatoes verticallyin our GreenStalk container gardens. Here's an update about how they grew.
For months, the sweet potato plants grew beautiful trailing vines (it was one of our favorite crops this year in terms of looks). But once the leaves started changing color to yellows and browns, we knew it was time to harvest so we started digging in the soil to find those sweet potatoes!
What we learned:
First, we learned that potatoes are incredibly fun to harvest when you don't have to be on your hands and knees digging into hard dirt trying to find those sweet potatoes! Second, we learned that a LOT of sweet potatoes can fit into a GreenStalk. We were amazed at how many potatoes we got from a single planting. As mentioned in our earlier post, we only planted half the pockets in anticipation of unruly vines. Next year we will probably plant the same way because each 6 gallon tier was packed with sweet potatoes - a good problem to have!